I have to talk about another major renovation in our studio with the switch to the Rodecaster Pro! Until now we have been recording with the Mackie Profx8, jumbled together with a 4 channel headphone splitter. It worked and the mixer is quite nice, BUT…
I cannot say enough about the amazing features, ease of use and sound quality of the Rodecaster Pro! Honestly, children can have their own podcasts now. It’s travel friendly (I need to order that battery kit for our MAINE family extravaganza!) and can just pull out of a backpack and hook up some Shure SM58s on the run, no computer even needed! Just record right onto the Rodecaster’s microSD card! It has built-in noise gate, aphex and big-bottom effects. It’s incredible. Editing is actually fun!
NEW BACKPACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
When we set out to change gears a little into podcast territory...
(I am a filmmaker/animator without the time I want to produce my own stories that are extremely near and dear to my heart and the entire motivation for my career, but life is hectic and the work I do now is even more important—but I still want to produce my own stories)
...I decided on the features I needed and they were all absolutely the features that are NOW available in this Rodecaster mixer. However, they were not available then, so I had to just patch together my own system and make due.
I’m glad I did. I recorded some amazing stories with my lady. I also have my favoritest ever story recorded with my beloved Uncle Ditch. I was able to dampen the sound in our studio with huge blackout curtains, design the setup of the table perfectly and the list goes on for learned lessons with the Mackie mixer. However, we’ve expanded our vision a bit to include a dear friend of 100 years and that meant actually separating the tracks.
In comes the Rodecaster PRO!!!!
The Rodecaster records clean tracks already separated for like a billion channels!!! Seriously, it will record 4 XLRs, a computer-in, an iphone or ipad and then also bluetooth…oh and how can I forget the sound pads! You can create quick-play sound effects and load up the sound pads to play in real time to save you even more time in post. And the tracks are so ridiculously quiet with noise gate. It makes me want to vomit—it’s so sick! There’s just nothing on the market anywhere like it. My brother called in on the bluetooth line the other night and it was such a total blast!
But that’s not the entire point of my post. I know it seems that way. No, I also want to say how much I am thoroughly enjoying editing tracks in FERRITE, the ipad multi-track audio editing app. It’s $30 well-spent. Trust me, I burned through so many edits in the first weekend that it paid for itself.
Again, because my job is filmmaking, it is soooooo nice to completely switch gears, not be tied to a computer, and just edit the majority of my stuff using my ipad pro pencil and my hands! Gag! Below is 30 minutes of a finely edited podcast—entirely on my iPad! GAME CHANGER.
All of this to say...
our podcast is NOT out yet and I cannot say when it will start releasing. I will promise you 6 episodes and it is getting hella close thanks to these amazing tools. I’ll be releasing some fun little do-it-yourself pieces as we near that line, so stay tuned!
*I am not paid or endorsed by anyone so everything I say is my own damn opinion.