We’re so weird, but kinda made for this quaranteam situation…
It’s been a really unprecedented year. Zoom is life. Peleton is living.
Mariela started calling our kitchen the quarantina and often just “The Quantina” and then that morphed into “The Can’tina.”
we fell into the sourdough bread obsession
we have a Tartine related starter that is incredible
used it to make St. Louis Bread Co. inspired bread bowls and homemade broccoli cheese soup
the best avocado toast in the world
we make our own homemade pizzas with even homemade sauce
we made sourdough blueberry pancakes from the extra starter
cold brew iced coffee is on tap every day
breakfast & brunch are better than ever
Mariela makes the ABSOLUTE best pie I’ve ever had, still
and I took over a bathroom to “cure” my new yoga mat with sea salt for 24 hours. Madness
my hair finally has all the multiple identities it needs
2020 is over!!
She’s the HERO, now!
We celebrated our 19th anniversary in quarantine lockdown and there’s literally no where else in the world I would rather be or who I would rather be with. With all that has happened, I’m grateful to wake up every single day. Even if it is a little groundhog’s day. . .
Like everyone, jobs have fused with life.
The balance is hard. Winter break is usually the only time we can really get into our own huge projects. This project was different than any other though. Mariela contributed most of the graphics, she organized all of the media and really helped to keep the train moving! It was so fantastic!!! (I still want us to work together someday. I mean really work together, instead of both working at home, in the same room, sort of working together! hahahaha)
We had been working in our home studio to create the podcast of our dreams (even adding a dedicated 3rd seat!). I had worked out an awesome workflow of editing so efficiently on my iPad. With three episodes almost finalized…[RECORD SCRATCH] —that studio became our home office. It’s full of work computers, post-its, sketches of work projects and animation pieces scattered around. It’s hard to separate and work on our crazy stories in the same space. So I’ve just pretty much STOPPED working on anything for us and that’s not good or sustainable. I know I have to find a better balance.
That’s my hope for our 2021.
Other random news, I cannot believe it has taken me this long to order a mechanical keyboard. I customized my easy ease animation key with a little good luck black cat key. Now when a layer needs some smoothing I just think to myself—oh this layer needs some Morty. It’s also amazing because I can program the keys to do whatever I want!!! And saving myself an extra key for each animation key frame is so worth it!