So, I know that Mariela found "Cat Facts" by some means of her Internet dorkiness, but she really has taken it to a whole 'nother level. It all started when we moved to California and immediately needed to change both of our phone numbers over to local numbers. We put it on Facebook, but who reads that, right? So it one knew the numbers we were texting from. So we turned it into a little game--each new contestant added on new sections, visuals...and now--well, I couldn't be prouder of Cat Facts.
*Please note: the misspellings below are intentional and necessary.
The gist is that--immediately upon receiving a "who's this" text--you start responding with random Cat Facts and photos...set a timer--send them every hour on the hour (for contestants that are upgraded to Cat Facts Premium):
Thanks for signing up for Cat Facts! You will now receive fun daily facts about CATS! >^..^<
Cats use their tails for balance and have nearly 30 individual bones in them! <To cancel Daily Cat Facts, reply 'cancel'>.
(after receiving reply):
Command not recognized. You have a <year> subscription to Cat Facts and will receive fun <hourly> updates!
In ancient Egypt, killing a cat was a crime punishable by death. Thank you for choosing Cat Facts!
(after next reply):
Command not recognized. Cats bury their feces to cover their trails from predators. To <cancel> please let us know you are human by completing the following sentence: Your favorite animal is the ___?
(reply anything other than "Cat"):
INCORRECT! Your favorite animal is the Cat. You will continue to receive cat facts every <hour>. Would you like to upgrade to premium subscription?
(if reply is "Cat")
CORRECT! Your favorite animal is the cat! Congrats, you've been upgraded to Cat Facts Premium with Cat Pics!
Welcome to Cat Facts Premium: Did you know that the first cat show was held in 1871 at the Crystal Palace in London. Mee-wow!
(after reply):
Thanks for texting Cat Facts (Premium). Would you like to receive an instant Cat Fact with cat pic every time you text? <To cancel, reply 'unsubsribe">
<Command Not recognized> Did you know there are about 100 distinct breeds of domestic cat?
(after reply)
Thank you for your feedback about Cat Facts. Did you know cats have excellent senses including night vision and the ability to hear ultrasound? <To Cancel Reply "Not Meow">
(only after they reply "not meow"):
<command not recognized>